Testing your API locally

Streamlit allows us to build micro front-ends for testing our Agents.

Start the app using:

phi ws up --group app

Press Enter to confirm and give a few minutes for the image to download (only the first time). Verify container status and view logs on the docker dashboard.

Serve your Agents using FastAPI

phi ws up --group api
  • Open localhost:8000/docs to view the API Endpoints.

  • Test the /v1/playground/agent/run endpoint with

Building your API Product

The agent-app comes with common endpoints that you can use to build your AI product. This API is developed in close collaboration with real AI Apps and are a great starting point.

The general workflow is:

  • Your front-end/product will call the /v1/playground/agent/run to run Agents.

  • Using the session_id returned, your product can continue and serve chats to its users.

Last updated